Certificate Courses
Diploma Courses

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Certificates and Diplomas

National & International Training Certification

- In order to provide and maintain the highest level of training delivery and learning, all IHT   Certificate and Diploma modalities are offered face-to-face personally.

- Institute of Holistic Therapies offers all training courses on a one-on-one basis in Southbank,   Melbourne, Victoria. Testimonials

- IHT certificate awarded upon successful completion.

- All IHT courses are a minimum of 50 hours which include pre-reading, post-practise and case   studies in addition to our face-to-face contact training. We aim for an average of 100 hours in any   one modality for a satisfactory basic proficiency.

- Students will be directed to resources to purchase for theory studies prior to physical training.

- Models for practise and materials are provided during training at the Southbank location.

Professional Recognition And Accreditation

The facilitator:

Corrine Brown is committed to bringing balance, harmony & wellbeing from the heart centre. Training instructions and treatments are delivered and offered with dedication and sensitivity to promote healthy boundaries, safe loving touch & communication through research, training, education and continued growth & development with practice through spiritual evolvement.

- ARC Referred Practitioner and Reiki Master Teacher. Australian Reiki Connection
- Authorised EarSeeds Certified Practitioner. EarSeeds
- Authorised Peter Hess Educational Sound Massage Practitioner. Peter Hess Academy Australia
- Authorised Magnified Healing Master Teacher & Practitioner. Magnified Healing
- Authorised R.E.S.E.T. Instructor.
- International Examiner for the prestigious International CIDESCO Diploma. CIDESCO International
- National Police Checked & Working With Children Checked

Institute of Holistic Therapies:

- Approved Training Provider with International Institute for Complementary Therapists and   Massage Association of Australia; and supported by Firm n Fold. Certification
- All of Institute of Holistic Therapies' Certificate and Diploma courses meet with approved
  standards and are accredited by ARC, IICT and MAA.
- Institute of Holistic Therapies' Certificates and Diplomas are accepted by insurance companies.
- CPE points earned for ARC Membership with completion of any Institute of Holistic Therapies'   common course units that enhance or are required for a Reiki Practice.
- All IHT Certificate courses earn CPE points for all levels of MAA Membership.
  Ayurveda Trainings
  Beauty Therapies
  Holistic Healing
  Massage Therapies
  Spa Therapies

Your Institute of Holistic Therapies' diploma qualifies you to use these titles after your name:
  *Dip.ASpTh (Diploma of Ayurvedic Spa Therapies)
  *Dip.HBTh (Diploma of Holistic Beauty)
  *Dip.HMTh (Diploma of Holistic Massage)
  *Dip.HRTh (Diploma of Holistic Reflexology)
  *Dip.HSTh (Diploma of Holistic Sound Therapies)
  *Dip.HTh (Diploma of Holistic Therapies)

Diploma Courses